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Department of Finance
Nicole Schneeberger, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer
Cathy Madden, Bookkeeper
Cheryl Adamski, Payroll Supervisor
Eric Zanetti, Certified Tax Assessor
Mary McMurray, Revenue Collector/Tax Assessing Clerk
Michael Schnurr, Certified Tax Collector
Kathleen Fitzgerald, Deputy Tax Collector
Joyce Jorgensen, Water/Sewer Billing Clerk
201 Broad St., Matawan Municipal Community Center
Matawan, NJ 07747
Phone: 732-566-3898
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Summer Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
(6/38/24 until 8/30/24) Friday 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Purchasing & Budgets
Maintain central accounts and records; The Department of Finance oversees the operations of Finance, Tax Collection, Tax Assessing and Purchasing. The responsibilities of the Department of Finance include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Control Expenditures;
- Pre-audit bills and claims;
- Custody of securities and investments;
- Invest surplus funds;
- Prepare the annual budget;
- Prepare financial statements;
- Payroll;
- Render tax bills;
- Receive and collect taxes and fees;
- Certify Tax Searches;
- Manage tax-foreclosed property; and
- Conduct tax sales on delinquent properties and assignment of liens.
Purchasing Information:
The Administration and Finance Department is responsible for oversight of the Boroughs purchasing functions. All purchase orders for goods or services are processed through these offices.
The Borough of Matawan encourages and welcomes the interest of new vendors as well as current suppliers. The information provided here is intended to help businesses understand the purchasing procedures and practices of Matawan Borough. This information will help you understand our practices and; therefore, make it easier for us to help you.
- Vendors should make an appointment before calling on the Borough Purchasing Department to assure availability of appropriate Borough personnel. No assurance can be given to vendors who arrive unannounced.
Purchase Order Required
- No items are to be purchased or services rendered to the Borough of Matawan without a properly executed purchase order. During emergency conditions effecting the health and welfare of the public, Borough policy allows the following individuals to purchase without a purchase order. Vendors should be aware that this policy can only be used during an emergency:
Borough Administrator - Superintendent Public Works
Water Plant Operator - Chief of Police - Coordinator OEM
Business Registration Act
P.L. 2004, C.57 requires that vendors are to provide municipal governments proof of business registration. If you have not already done so, please provide a copy of your “Business Registration Certificate” to the purchasing office. We cannot accept your “Certificate of Authority” as proof of registration. If you need assistance obtaining your “Business Registration Certificate”, contact the New Jersey Division of Revenue at (609) 292-1730 or visit their website at
Methods of Procurement
For purchases under $1,000.00, no solicitation of quotes is required and the Borough may issue purchase orders for goods or services according to its need.
Request for Quote
For purchases between $1000.00 and $2,625.00, while not required by law, Borough policy finds it advantageous to obtain quotes. For purchases between $2,625.00 and $17,500.00, the Local Public Contracts Law requires the Borough to obtain quotes. Quotes may be solicited verbally or in writing, however written confirmation from those receiving the quotes on behalf of the Borough must be attached to the requisition form. All quotes should be FOB Matawan Borough or any and all freight charges should be included in the vendor’s proposal. Orders will be placed via a Matawan Borough Purchase Order. Written requests for quotes will include forms to be submitted along with date and time of submission. Timely responses are greatly appreciated and benefit both the Borough and the vendor.
N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4
Purchases in excess of $17,500.00 are required to comply with Pay to Play regulations. Vendors should be aware that the law requires aggregation by vendor. Therefore multiple small purchases with a single vendor may exceed the Pay to Play threshold and require the RFP process.
Formal Bidding
This is generally required for any commodity, service or public improvement when the cost exceeds the statutory bid threshold of $17.500.00, pursuant to NJSA, 40A:11-3. Bids must be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed in the respective bid package.
Invitation for Bids (IFB) – Vendors are encouraged to read the Asbury Park Press or The Independent for publication of “Notice to Bidders” for current IFB announcements. The current bid opportunities contains a list of current IFB’s and RFP's. The Borough does not warrant this list to be complete. Bid packages and RFP’s are available at the Municipal Clerks Office.
Sealed bids are publicly opened and read aloud at the time, date and location specified in the bid documents.
Bids are tabulated and evaluated for the best price, compliance with the bid specifications and other relevant considerations. A recommendation is submitted to the Borough Committee for award. All awards or rejections normally occur within sixty (60) days of the bid opening date. Notification of award will be formally made in writing.
Prevailing Wage and Public Works Contractor Registration Acts
Payment Approval Process
The Borough of Matawan pays claims on a bi-monthly basis. The payment claim is approved at the Borough Council’s regularly scheduled Council Meeting. Council Meetings are scheduled for the 1 st and 3 rd Tuesday of each month, with exceptions for holidays and summer months. Claims are only placed on the “Bill List” after the completion of the Purchase Order Process.
Vendors will receive two copies of the purchase order consisting of the voucher and a vendor copy. The voucher copy must be signed and returned to the department that placed the order, i.e. ship to address on the purchase order, with an invoice. The voucher copy should be returned only when all the goods or services have been supplied to the Borough.
Upon receipt of the voucher and invoice, the department receiving the goods or services shall certify to the Finance Office that the goods were received. The claim is then added to the “Bill List” for the next Council Meeting. The Finance Office must receive submissions from the departments according to our voucher deadline report which is distributed to all department heads in January. Claims not received at the Finance Office by the deadlines, will be approved at the following Council Meeting. The mailing of an invoice without a signed voucher or vice versa may dramatically slow down the payment process. Upon approval of the Borough Council, checks will be mailed promptly.
Public Notice 2024 Audit Synopsis & Recommendations (pdf) -
2024 User Friendly Budget (pdf) -
2023 Borough of Matawan Audit Report (pdf) -
2023 AFS (pdf) -
2023 Annual Debt Statement (pdf) -
2024 Budget Presentation (pdf) -
2024 Borough of Matawan Adopted Budget (pdf) -
2023 User Friendly Budget (pdf) -
2023 Borough of Matawan Adopted Budget (pdf) -
Public Notice 2023 Audit Synopsis & Recommendations (pdf) -
2022 Annual Financial Statement (pdf) -
2022 Annual Debt Statement (pdf) -
2021 Borough of Matawan Municipal Court Audit Report (pdf) -
2021 Borough of Matawan Audit Synopsis & Recommendations (pdf) -
2021 Borough of Matawan Audit Report Compressed PDF (pdf) -
2022 User Friendly Budget (pdf) -
2022 Introduced Budget (pdf) -
2022 Adopted Budget (pdf) -
2021 Annual Financial Statement (pdf) -
2021 Annual Debt Statement (pdf) -
Public Notice 2020 Audit Synopsis & Recommendations (pdf) -
2021 User Friendly Budget (pdf) -
2021 Introduced Budget (pdf) -
2020 Annual Financial Statement (pdf)